1. What are you studying and how did you decide to study that subject?
I am studying Manufacturing Engineering at North Dakota State University (NDSU) and have begun pursuing an MBA which I will finish a year after I complete my undergraduate degree. I first considered engineering after a mentor recommended that I look into it. While I was earning my Associate of Science, with an emphasis in Engineering, a recruiter from NDSU came and advocated their Industrial & Manufacturing program at which point I experienced the proverbial “Click.” Further inquiry into the specific field confirmed my inclination as I grew more excited about becoming a part of creating goods and products locally.
2. What are you working on as an intern at Smith Metal Products?
This is my second summer as an intern, I now have enough experience and a thorough enough understanding of operations to provide support to the engineering team. Much of my time is split between assisting an engineer in one of their projects or implementing Engineering Change Orders (ECOs) for production use. One project I have enjoyed is creating work instructions for a 3D scanner and using said scanner to analyze tests or samples.
3. What do you like to do in your spare time?
I’m a social butterfly. If there is some activity to do with people, I am on my way if not already present! I am also a motorcycle enthusiast. If the weather is clear, I love taking my sportbike out to some winding back roads or taking a short road trip to any nearby recreational area. A past work experience in the bartending industry sparked a creative outlet in me. I enjoy mixing beverages (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic) to entertain family and friends; some claim that they can’t order certain drinks anymore because they pale to the ones I’ll make them at home. I am a very avid musician, playing both piano and guitar. I absolutely love playing with sounds and melodies making up my own tunes and short scores.
4. Is there anything else you would like to share?
Something that has been a monumental blessing to me at Smith Metals is that the engineering team is both good at what they do and extremely helpful and gracious in answering all my questions. Whether it be where a file is located for the third time, or an Excel shortcut to help save time, I have never felt inferior or incapable while working with anyone.
Thanks for spending your summers with us, Carl!
Phone: (651) 257-3143
Email: sales@smithmetals.com
Address: 15045 Per Rd, Center City, MN 55012